How to Build a Brand for Your Blog

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Brand Camp University-Tamsen Fadal
Image by Dean Meyers
via Flickr/Creative Commons

Today’s task for 31 Days to a Better Blog is for those of you who think you might need a change. Maybe you’re considering changing your blog platform or maybe you've been thinking about changing your blog’s title or URL. If you've decided a change is what you need, go for it!

But after you make this switch branding is going to become even more important for you as you try to market your new name. Lucky for you, on Saturday I participated in the monthly Twitter chat Blog Brunch and this month’s topic was Branding 101. Here are a few tips on how to build your brand.

Write a mission statement. I know you’re tired of me telling you this, but I’m not the only one who believes this is a good idea. So does Sarah Tolzmann (@notetosarah) of the blog Note to Self.  During Blog Brunch she tweeted “Your blog should have a mission statement, even if you keep it to yourself. It will help you decide if content is relevant.”  Remember, you can’t send a clear brand message to readers if you’re sure what your message is.

Be consistent. Having a mission statement will help ensure your message is clear, but you need a consistent writing style as well. You also need to make sure you’re consistent throughout your social media channels.  The author of the blog Sarah Hearts (@sarahkhandijan) tweeted “All social media pages should look like you! Your readers should instantly know by the look & content that it’s yours.”  I, for example, use the Twitter handle @writeousbabe and usually tweet about the same topics you’ll find on my blog – writing, blogging, feminism, fitness, and faith.

While consistency is key, don’t be afraid of change.  “I think your brand should maintain a common visual aspect – but it shouldn't hold you back from trying something new,” tweeted Katie (@mspinkandblue), co-founder of Blog Brunch.  Kait Kucy (@yuppielove) advised not changing your branding more than once a year. And most bloggers agreed that when you are making a change be sure it’s for a good reason and not simply just to follow a trend.

Network. Now that you've put all that work into crafting your message and polishing your blog’s look, you need to spread the word about who you are and what you’re all about. You need to network. Several bloggers from Saturday’s Blog Brunch agree that some of the best ways to market your blog and your brand include: commenting on other blogs, writing guest posts for blogs with a mission similar to yours, hosting events, attending conferences and, of course, using social media outlets such as Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

I’ve been thinking about branding a lot myself, lately. I've been considering changing the name of my blog, worried that “Writeous Babe” is too silly. What do you think? I’d love to get some feedback in the comments section.

Happy brand building! 


  1. Keep Writeous Babe! I love the name and all its connotations. And you've already started building the brand.

  2. Hmm lots of good pointers. I love your blog name, by the way! So many blogs are very vauge and all start to sound the same, but yours is unique and interesting. Funny enough, I found your blog by googling "100th blog post ideas," and when I saw one written by the Writeouse Babe I wanted to check it out! Haha. I love it, personally :)

    Thanks for the blogging tips!

  3. I've always thought Writeous Babe was a brilliant title and suits you and your blog perfectly. Don't change!

  4. Keep Writeous Babe. It's you and it's yours.

  5. I love your name. I wish I thought of it myself

  6. I love your name. I wish I thought of it myself

  7. Thanks for the feedback, ladies. Hubster also thinks changing my name is a horrible idea. Writeous Babe lives on!

    1. Yeah! Though I am a fairly new reader/follower I also think Writeous Babe is a great brand name!

  8. I don't care to say what they often tell you in their comments: I love your domain name! And just to add something, many bloggers do raffles of personalized products from their online store, leaving traces of them from their readers. Great networking is always the key. Keep being a writeous one, girl!

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