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@seejanewritemag See Jane Write Magazine
I follow this Twitter account because, well, it's for my own magazine. You should follow this account because from it I plan to tweet out daily inspiration and helpful information for women writers.
@thesexyfeminist The Sexy Feminist
The Sexy Feminists not only share posts from their awesome blog, but also tweets from other fun and fierce feminists. (And yesterday they retweeted one of my tweets about See Jane Write Magazine!)
@projecteve1 Project Eve
The folks at Project Eve describe its website as "a global meeting place that connects women to the news, resources, networking and promotional tools that help us grow our business." The Project Eve Twitter account is a great extension of the website and should be followed by any and all female entrepreneurs.
@theindiechicks The Indie Chicks is an online magazine that seeks to empower and motivate passionate and ambitious women. The Indie Chicks do just that not only with their articles but also by tweeting out inspirational quotes. Here's one from yesterday:
“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” ~ Coco Chanel
@mental_floss Mental Floss magazine
You can count on Mental Floss for trivia, fun facts, and links to informative articles that leave you feeling smarter than all your friends. Check out my story on Mental Floss co-founder Will Pearson.
@Hilarious_Idiot Alan Hangover
OK, so this Zach Galifinakis-inspired parody account has nothing to do with writing or feminism or entrepreneurship, but it makes me laugh out loud, literally and in public, all the time. One of my favorite tweets from this account reads: "A brain freeze is God's way of saying, 'Slow down, fatty.'"
That never gets old.
I like this idea and may have to snag it from you for my blog. It will help hold me accountable to follow the people I actually want to follow. :)