Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Hey babes!
As I mentioned in my previous post, November is the month when #bloglikecrazy. I publish a new blog post every day for 30 days and challenge members of my organization See Jane Write to do the same.
This year I'm going to #bloglikecrazy on my See Jane Write blog instead of here. But I'd still love for you to follow along.
So each day I will update this post to include a link to my latest entry to my See Jane Write blog. I hope you enjoy!
Nov. 1 - Why should I #bloglikecrazy?
Nov. 2 - What if I run out of blog post ideas?
Nov. 3 - Can I overcome stage fright?
Nov. 4 - How can I get more done?
Nov. 5 - How can I build an authentic brand for my blog?
Nov. 6 - How do I find my ideal reader?
Nov. 7 - Do I need an elevator pitch for my blog?
Nov. 8 - Should entrepreneurs take a day off?
Nov. 9 - What blogs do you read?
Nov. 10 - Blogging - What's the Point?
Nov. 11 - Why did you start See Jane Write?
Nov. 12 - Why do you call yourself a feminist?
Nov. 13 - What should I do this weekend?
Nov. 14 - How can I improve my blog?
Nov. 15 - What should a writer do on her day off?
Nov. 16 - What is a Twitter chat?
Nov. 17 - Do I need business cards?
Nov. 18 - What should I include in my blog's media kit?
Nov. 19 - What is Bloglovin'?
Nov. 20 - How can I get more involved with See Jane Write?
Nov. 21 - Have you heard the new Beyonce songs?
Nov. 22 - Did I hear you on NPR yesterday?
Nov. 23 - What do you want for Christmas?
Nov. 24 - Can I touch your hair?
Nov. 25 - What are you thoughts on the Ferguson grand jury decision?
Nov. 26 - How can I give back this holiday season?
Nov. 27 - What are you thankful for today?
Nov. 28 - How can I "shop small" this holiday season?
Nov. 29 - What blogging and writing conferences should I attend in 2015?
Nov. 30 - What did you learn from this year's #bloglikecrazy challenge?
Thanks for leading this effort!