A Birthday Prayer

Monday, February 9, 2015

Dear God,

I thank you for 34 years on this crazy, beautiful planet you have created.

Today I commit the next year of my life and all my endeavors to you.

I commit my marriage to you. I thank you for my husband's love. I pray that you will bless our marriage and help me be the wife that my wonderful husband deserves. I pray that our marriage will be an inspiration to other couples.

I commit all my relationships to you. I thank you for my family and friends. I pray that you will help me be a better daughter, sister, cousin, and friend. Bless my loved ones and show me how I can be a blessing to them.

I commit to you all material possessions and desires. I thank you for being the Ultimate Provider. Please wash me clean of any desires I have that are not in line with your will for my life. I declare that what you have for me is for me and will be mine. I pray that you will use my material possessions to have a spiritual impact.

I commit to you all my career aspirations. I thank you for my gifts, talents, and opportunities. I pray that See Jane Write will prosper and grow and that the women of the group will receive the desires of their hearts. Show me how I can be a blessing to those women. From magazine articles to personal essays to blog posts, please anoint the words that I write so they will change lives. Help me be a better role model and teacher. Bless my students and show me how to be a blessing to them.

I commit to you my body. I thank you for the strength and ability of my body and for allowing me to triumph over sickness and disease. I pray that this will continue to be my story. I pray that you will bless my running endeavors and help me remember you and thank you with every step of every race.

I pray that my life and all my life's endeavors will bring glory and love to you.

And so it is.

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday!
    Thank you so much for this! I hope to do this for my birthday in July!!! Chronicle my birthday prayer....
